FarrowWrap LITE Trim-to-Fit Legpiece Velcro Pack

FarrowWrap LITE Trim-to-Fit Legpiece Velcro Pack

FarrowWrap STRONG Trim-to-Fit Legpiece Extra Band

FarrowWrap STRONG Trim-to-Fit Legpiece Extra Band

FarrowWrap STRONG Trim-to-Fit Footpiece Velcro Pack

These replacement Velcro® tabs are for use with the FarrowWrap® Strong Trim-To-Fit "TTF" Footpiece short-stretch compression wraps, to provide a customizable solution to fit a patient’s limb
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These replacement Velcro® tabs are for use with the FarrowWrap® Strong Trim-To-Fit "TTF" Footpiece short-stretch compression wraps, to provide a customizable solution to fit a patient’s limb.

As the name implies, FarrowWrap® Strong Trim-To-Fit Footpiece is a unique compression garment that can be customized to your limb in a matter of a few minutes, all while waiting in your doctor or therapist’s office. This means that you can come in with a prescription and leave with a customized garment all in the same visit! Variations in limb size and shape can be accommodated at the time of fitting, and as the FarrowWrap® Trim-To-Fit can be trimmed, there is no need to buy a new garment as the edema reduces. These replacement Velcro® tabs will allow your doctor or therapist to provide a customizable solution by simply re-measuring your limb and trimming the garment accordingly. For mild to moderate edema you can wear the garment and tighten the bands as the edema decreases and once swelling is reduced, the garment will work to maintain the reduction. FarrowWrap® Trim-To-Fit can also be used in place of short stretch bandaging because it uses the same technology but is less time consuming to apply for both you and the therapist.

Table of Sizing Conversions

(Please read our Returns Policy regarding compression devices. Call for assistance with questions.)

For more options, check out our large selection of compression wraps for legs.